If Calvinism were true, Jesus would be a liar.

I am grateful that almost every Calvinist I know is inconsistent. They don't actually apply their systematic to the Scriptures. If they did, then they would have to concede that Jesus was a liar.

Why? Because on Calvinism, mankind is dead in their trespasses in such a way as they cannot respond to anything, not even the Gospel. They are totally unable to do anything. According to Calvinism, the only way they can be saved is for God to resurrect them (to regenerate them) so that they can believe. Yes, Calvinism teaches that regeneration (being born again) must happen BEFORE a person can believe the Gospel. Why? Because they are dead. 

But then according to Calvinists, when God gives His "effectual call" to a person, they are brought to life and made able to respond to, to believe the Gospel. And from beginning to end they are enabled by God to persevere in faith. If they are "effectually called" they will be saved no matter what! 

So why is Jesus a liar according to Calvinism? Because He said that it would be harder for some to enter the Kingdom of God than for others. 

Matthew 19:23 - And Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

This verse becomes patently untrue on Calvinism. It is no harder for a poor man or for a rich man to enter the Kingdom because entering the Kingdom on Calvinism has NOTHING TO DO with the person or their circumstances. They are DEAD. They are unable to do anything. They can't save themselves. They can't endure once they are saved. On Calvinism, people are saved from beginning to end monergistically. God alone is the one who works. Otherwise, Calvinists contend that someone is not being saved entirely by grace. 

It isn't harder for anyone to enter the Kingdom of God on Calvinism. God is the one who EXCLUSIVELY works and wills and enables the dead person to be born again and believe and endure. 

Consistent Calvinist teachers would point this out when preaching/teaching through the Gospels, and would be eisegeting the Scriptures in so doing. 

I'm so glad that Calvinism is NOT TRUE and that Jesus actually meant what He said. And therefore we exegete such passages in accordance with the Apostolic faith that was "once for all delivered to the saints".


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