change IS possible

When God is in the equation, change is possible – by definition.  Paul writes so powerfully, “Don’t be conformed to this world, but BE TRANSFORMED….” (Rom 12:1)  - Why would he write such an audacious statement if it wasn’t true!  Theology matter when it comes to this stuff.  For those who are more “monergistically-inclined” (aka Calvinists), they love to minimize in the name of honoring God and His Sovereignty our responsibility in these matters.  They will deny this and for the most part live just as synergistically-minded (aka Arminians) people do.  The truth is God has done everything possible for us to change – He inspired prophets and apostles to give us His Inerrant Word (so we know “what to do”); He has defeated the devil and given us the possibility of being born again and filled with His Holy Spirit (so have “the power to do it”).  So why are we so often stuck?  Why are we seemingly not finding deliverance, freedom and transformation?  (and that could include anything in our lives that we want to change)

Paul goes on to give his Apostolic insight into HOW to change.  He continues - “by the renewing of your mind” (Rom 12:2).  If we are being conformed to this world, and living under the power of its demonic influence, it is because are minds are NOT BEING RENEWED.  This is NOT a one time thing.  It is a daily battle and an ongoing process.  Very little in this life comes easily.  Transformation notwithstanding.  Do you want to change today?  Are you tired of being stuck?  Take a walk with God today and ask Him to renew your mind.  To break the power of the lies.  To fill you with His truth and His light.  

It doesn’t bring honor to God to blame Him (He’ll change me when He wants to change me), when He has sovereignly provided everything you need right now to be changed.  God has done His part, but He won’t do our part.  



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